The disengagement trend we can no longer ignore

Recently Emplify released a study on disengagement trends within employees. It’s no secret that low employee engagement is costing the economy significant losses  (with estimates of USD 3,400 for every USD 10,000 of a salary). And through the survey provided by Emplify, we now have some insight on some of the factoring trends of low employee engagement.

There are five key trends that the study identified. Here is a quick overview of what they are.

1. Employee burnout

When a team member feels stretched too thin or underappreciated, they suffer significant life consequences that affect the home and workplace.

2. HR focused on administration rather than strategy

Instead of adding value to people and strategizing for future talent, some executive teams focus on managing them.

3. Control instead of coaching a team

A controlling environment negatively affects employees, decreases morale, productivity and innovation.

4. Employees not seen as brand ambassadors

Today, employees want to believe in what they do for a living—a purpose. If employees don’t feel a sense of ownership for their company, it’s hard for them to feel engaged and passionate about what they do.

5. Inefficient interpretation of engagement data

People by nature are incredibly diverse in their personalities. If the way we interpret data about our team doesn’t reflect unique needs and perspectives, then we are missing a vital component to our process.

Which Trend Can We No Longer Ignore?

After reading the list, it’s not hard to think about all of the trends we need to address. And we should address them all. But if there is one thing we could focus on, that would in turn virtually solve all of these problems, it is the second trend. If we focus on our strategy, rather than administration, we can create a vibrant workforce.

Strategy Rather Than Administration

When a workplace decides to create a healthy company culture that empowers its team, it can combat these five trends and position itself for growth. When you look at employee engagement, it all comes down to the DNA of the company. Is it a place that encourages engagement? A strategy can help us get there.

How do we make the shift? By following these simple steps.

  • Plan on how you will find talent for the future
  • Create a workplace people want to be in
  • Give away authority rather than roles, which empowers team members and innovation
  • Be generous with your employees: through fair salaries, competitive benefits and intentionally connecting with them about their dreams and goals
  • Be clear, vulnerable and transparent
  • Focus on people above all us—a company’s most valuable resource (employees and customers)

There is a real problem with disengagement in the workplace. Part of the reason is that it is a natural consequence if we do not have a plan in place.

There only two ways we define our company culture: by accident, or on purpose. When we create a strategy to engage our employees, our companies become healthier and get positioned for growth.

What are your thoughts on low employee engagement? Do you have examples or ideas of how you engage your employees?


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