Reimagining recruiting to attract younger workers

Just as managing a multi-generational workforce can be a challenge, recruiting in a multi-generational environment can be tricky, too. And as the Baby Boomer generation ages out of working and Gen X creeps closer and closer to retirement age, recruiters must rethink their strategies to attract skilled Millennial and Gen Z talent.

While Millennials catch a lot of cultural flack, the reality is that by 2025, experts estimate that this generation will comprise 75% of the workforce. With Millennials set to dominate the employment landscape in the next couple of years, what strategies can recruiters leverage to attract younger talent?

Understanding what Millennials and Gen Zers expect can help employers and recruiters attract and retain top talent. Front and centre on the minds of younger workers include employer commitments to social issues such as diversity, equity, and inclusion; climate change; public health; and income inequality. Employers and recruiters can attract top talent by reviewing and clearly articulating their core values and communicating them throughout the recruitment process.

Recent research also shows that many younger workers are concerned about long-term finances—a by-product of their generational experiences of coming of age during financial and social crises. Many of them have a pessimistic view of their financial futures and spend much time worrying about their future financial health. Reviewing, expanding, and clearly communicating how your retirement packages work can be one way to help alleviate some of the stress for younger workers and make your company attractive to them. Offering additional employee resources such as money management tools and coaching can be another strategy that can help set your organisation apart from others that Millennial and Gen Z talent might be considering.

Savvy and sustainable organisations stay on top of current talent force trends and expectations and pivot when necessary to continue to attract fresh talent that can move them into the future. By investing a little bit of research into the expectations and strengths of younger workers entering the workforce and tailoring policies, initiatives, and values to them, you can ensure that your organisation thrives today and well into the future.


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